The Connection Cure

Coaching 1:1

 The program that opens the magic to 
a deeply fulfilling relationship

Are you ready for a love that truly sees you?

The most fulfilling relationships thrive when you bring your whole, authentic self to the table. You'll naturally attract a love that resonates with your true essence, creating a fulfilling and deeply connected relationship.

Become the best version of you who attracts a deeply fulfilling relationships.

Unlike the usual methods, we're not just talking – we're feeling, we're breathing, we're changing from the inside out.

The missing piece to a deep intimate relationship is a holistic approach that goes deeper, recognizing that a fulfilling relationship starts with YOU.

This means nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. 
It's about understanding your emotions, building healthy habits, and cultivating self-love.

Embodiment work plays a key role in this process, because by connecting with your body and authentic self, you get a deeper understanding of your desires and needs. This helps you build the confidence and self-love to attract and connect with someone with whom you can be truly yourself. 

The biggest result that you're going to see... through the emotional and embodiment work we do where you not only grow personally
but also see real improvements in how you relate to others,
making a relationship that is desired a reality for you.

Common struggles you might experience:

• You struggle to share your true feelings with a potential partner, worried they won't like the "real you."

 •  You find yourself attracted to partners who are emotionally unavailable, repeating a pattern from your past.  

• You struggle with codependency, constantly seeking validation from your partner.  

• You have trouble expressing your desires or needs in a relationship, leading to misunderstandings.  

• You find it hard to say "no" to your partner, even when you're uncomfortable.  

• You constantly text or call your partner, needing reassurance of their affection. The slightest hint of distance could trigger anxiety and fear of abandonment.  

• You feel suffocated by intimacy and pull away when things get serious.

• You prioritize independence and freedom over emotional connection.  

• You find yourself surrounded by acquaintances but lacking true emotional connections.  

•  You keep attracting the same type of  partner, repeating a cycle of disappointment.  

• You feel discouraged and hopeless about finding a fulfilling relationship.

You don't need settling for unhealthy partners, or avoiding intimacy altogether. 

You're already enough

All you have to do is clear those love blockers 
that keep you stuck in the same repetitive patterns
so you are free to call in the love of your dreams
who sees you and is willing to open up to you,
love you, and receive all that is you and
where you feel safe to be yourself fully!


The Connection Cure

Coaching 1:1

The Connection Cure is THE program for people to finally experience deep, fulfilling relationships through powerful self-discovery and embodiment work, without needing to keep attracting emotionally unavailable partners or repeating unhealthy patterns.

What's inside the connection cure?

Phase 1

Healing at the root

The first phase is taking you back to the roots of your relational patterns. You'll explore your core emotional needs and how they were (or weren't) met within your family dynamic.

Through powerful self-discovery exercises and inner child work, you'll gently uncover any past wounds or love blockers that might be unconsciously influencing how you approach relationships today.  

This deep healing work is crucial because fulfilling connections thrive on a foundation of self-awareness. By understanding your needs and addressing any past hurts, you'll stop attracting unavailable partners or repeating unhealthy patterns.

This phase will make you well-equipped to cultivate the emotional intelligence and inner strength needed for truly fulfilling relationships in the program's later phases.


Develop Your Inner Support system

Phase 2 is about building a powerful inner support system that allows you to stand strong on your own.

Here, you'll cultivate a deep sense of self-worth, the kind that comes from truly understanding your value and nurturing yourself from within.

Healthy, fulfilling relationships  thrive on emotional resilience and the ability to be your own source of happiness. When you strengthen your inner core means you become less dependent on external validation for your sense of worth.

This newfound confidence radiates naturally from the person you've become. And guess what? People are drawn to that kind of authenticity.

You begin to attract partners who are capable of offering healthy, reciprocal love because you yourself embody that same strength and emotional maturity.


Emotional Mastery for Healthy Love

Here, you'll learn to meet your emotions with love and understanding, allowing you to navigate even difficult feelings with grace and clarity. This emotional fluency becomes the foundation for genuine connection.

But emotional mastery goes beyond understanding yourself. You'll delve deep into the hidden patterns that can influence your choices in relationships. By uncovering these patterns, you gain the power to break free from your old habits so that you can build confidence and openness about who you truly are.

Through this process, you'll cultivate the emotional intelligence and strength to navigate the complexities of love in a healthy and empowered way.

You'll be well-equipped to build lasting connections based on authenticity, mutual respect, and genuine emotional intimacy.

Hi! I am Sandra Bergman

I am here to gently invite you to a journey of self-discovery that is as pleasurable as it is profound.  

As an experienced tantra teacher and intimacy coach, and my in-depth training from a variety of influential teachers has shaped me into a trusted guide on your inner journey to a more vibrant and fulfilling life and love relationship.   

I have also studied with shamans for several years, which has taken me on several longer trainings and trips around the world where I have been initiated, which helps me to see beyond the visible.  

When you choose to work with me, you get a mentor who has already walked the path I am now guiding you on, bringing wisdom from years of study and personal experience.  

My unique ability to combine serious topics with lightness creates an atmosphere of trust so that this becomes the nurturing space for you to explore, grow, and fully embrace your authentic self so that you can have a fruitful, nourishing, loving relationship.

Client love

"I love myself from a completely different place today, from the bottom of my heart and I am here and supporting myself.“

“I feel very safe with you and really felt that you read me very well and challenged me appropriately. I think you are very calm, soft, and trustworthy. You have felt and read me in a way that has allowed me to relax and dare to give in to the exercises.

I see that my self-worth has improved, I listen better to what I feel and want.

And when I get into a situation where I had previously "fallen out", I can now remain in it, see that I am not alone or useless, I have and receive support from the old wise woman who holds me and my inner child.”


"It really feels like you genuinely care about me and want me well
which makes me really feel safe with you. “

“I have appreciated the sessions with you very much and would really like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet myself while being coached by you. You feel so knowledgeable in many areas and empathy.    

You made me realize what I need and long for and how I can get it and what I can actually do.    I also feel that I am more and more questioning how I want to live the rest of my life and that I want to start taking steps towards change.”


"I felt safe to express myself fully and felt    
personally connected to Sandra as my coach."  

“Sandra was able to provide and hold a safe space for me to express my needs and frustrations. 

I was impressed with how powerful each session was and how well 
each session connected to each other.          

I experienced the feeling of personal power, courage and having strong boundaries 

for the first time in my life, plus I experienced the potential inside of me to embody those to the fullest.       

Finally I expressed myself fully to my partner without fear which is the start of deeper intimacy.”


This is included:

- 10 powerful sessions over 5 months (biweekly)
- Each session is 75 minutes
- The sessions take place from the comfort of your home so you don't have to travel anywhere
- Tailored practices between sessions to support and deepen your process
- Partial payment is offered

 Investment: 29.900 SEK
You also have the option of a partial payment plan: 6.390 SEK x 5 months,
making it more accessible without compromising the depth of your experience.

Buy a single session
You also have the option to purchase a session to get a feel for the coaching
before committing to the full program or if you want help unraveling something specific.

If you decide to upgrade to the full program after your session,
the price of the single session will be deducted from the full price.

Frequently asked question

Yes, it does. 
 I have been coaching online for over four years, and the results are just as good. The only difference is that you do not have to travel to me but simply log in to the zoom link that I send you. The sessions are as deep and healing as if we had been in the same room. In addition, you get homeplay between the sessions to deepen your process even further.

No, it is not. 
Our work together has nothing to do with nudity. What we do is discover where in your body you have blockages that prevent you from achieving what you desire and dissolve them. It happens through guided experiences inside your body and without you having to touch yourself in any way. However, we can agree on practices you perform yourself at home between our sessions that involve both nudity and intimacy if it is in line with what you want to achieve.

My recommendation is to spend time doing your home exercises regularly once or twice a week because that is how you will slowly get the lasting changes you want. Keep in mind that you are reprogramming yourself to a new way of being intimate and that takes time. But this is your journey and I invite you to participate in whatever way feels good to you.

Yes, you can. 
 I offer a partial payment, see below.

Our contract period starts from the first session, which must be completed within 3 weeks from the date of purchase.
The contract period is valid for a further 1 month after the end of the purchase period.
Thereafter, the contract is terminated even if you have outstanding sessions.
Should an emergency arise where you need extra time, this is done in consultation with Sandra.  
Cancellation of sessions must be made at least 48 hours in advance, otherwise, it will be considered used up.  
Through your payment you agree to these terms and conditions.

If you feel like this is the support you've been waiting for but want to talk to me before you decide…

...then you are welcome to book a free call. I know it can feel personal to talk about sex and intimacy with someone you may not have met before and this is for you and me to feel if it is right for you. I will be honest with you during our conversation and if I feel this is not quite right, I will say so.  
If this particular program isn't right for you, I have other options that we can talk about so you can feel confident in getting the right guidance.


Dip your toes...

2990 SEK

  • 1 session

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Full payment

29900 SEK

  • 10 sessions

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Partial payment

5 payments of

6390 SEK

per month

  • 10 sessions

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